CV – Joni Nousjärvi

Software architect with 10+ years of full stack Java web development experience; lately interested in microservices, devops and containerization

Husband and father of two; avid Hacker News reader; amateur clean energy and sustainability enthusiast; casual cyclist and guitarist

Personal Information

Name: Joni Nousjärvi (formerly Nousiainen)

Location: Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland

Mobile: +358 40 769 6684


Work Experience

Software Architect (Ohjelmistoarkkitehti)

Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
2020-11 — today

Building web applications, APIs and system integrations in agile project teams. Developing the organization's software development processes and technology stack. Advocate of devops practices and service-centric (vs project-centric) teams.

Key methodologies, tools and technologies: Java, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Angular, Git, Linux, IntelliJ IDEA, SAML, Scrum, ArchiMate

Software Developer (Senior Planning Officer, Erikoissuunnittelija)

Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
2017-04 — 2020-11

Development of web applications (full stack) and system integrations in agile project teams. Strong interest in software architecture improvement and documentation. Advocate of devops practices and service-centric (vs project-centric) teams.

Notable projects: 1) Open source dataset metadata management service 2) New version of web based form service (Lomakepalvelu) used in THL's scientific surveys. 3) New edition of JSON based file format for collecting treatment period statistics from Finnish healthcare units + a service for receiving the incoming data.

Key methodologies, tools and technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Tomcat, TypeScript, Angular, PostgreSQL, Git, Maven, Bash scripts, Linux (CentOS), IntelliJ IDEA, SAML, Scrum

Service Manager

Aitio Finland Oy / Codecenter Oy
2014-08 — 2017-03

Helping customers stay happy and productive.

Managing customers' production services and new projects, mostly cases of deployment and customization of Atlassian Jira issue tracker and Confluence wiki. Customizations consist mainly of plugin development with Atlassian Plugin SDK.

Web application development and integrations. Same tools and technologies as in previous position.

Software Developer

Codecenter Oy
2012-11 — 2014-08

Web application development in Java EE environment.

Installation, maintenance and support of customers' Atlassian software, especially Confluence.

Key technologies and tools: Atlassian software & Atlassian Plugin SDK (Confluence, Jira, Stash, Crowd), Java EE, Spring Framework, JPA/Hibernate, Vaadin, Camel, Velocity, JavaScript, jQuery, PostgreSQL, Tomcat, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Maven, Git, Subversion, Linux (CentOS), Bash scripts

System Developer

Ecore Oy
2010-05 — 2012-10

Development of EcoreAction product, a web application for energy consumption monitoring; API, backend and database design and implementation. Integrations between EcoreAction and customers' systems.

Key technologies and tools: Java EE, Spring Framework (MVC, Security, Batch), JPA/Hibernate, Tomcat, SQL Server, MySQL, Eclipse, Maven, Subversion, Linux (Debian), Windows Server, Scrum

Software Developer

Codecenter Oy
2008-02 — 2010-04

Web design and web application development in customer oriented projects. Customer web site, email and virtual server hosting. Scrum Master.

Key technologies and tools: Java EE, Spring Framework, JPA/Hibernate, JavaScript, jQuery, PostgreSQL, Tomcat, Eclipse, Maven, Subversion, Linux (CentOS & Ubuntu), VMware vSphere, Scrum


Bachelor of Science (Economics and Business Administration)

Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä
2004 — 2016

Major in Information Systems Science (see transcript of records)
Bachelor's thesis: Monitoring e-service quality
Master's degree studies currently on hold

Recent trainings

2020-09: "Ohjelmistojen tietoturvallinen elinkaarihallinta" by CGI
2020-05: "Uhkamallinnus, pilvipalvelu arkkitehtuuri ja tietoturva" by F-Secure


Finnish – native
English – fluent
Swedish & German – basic
